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Why is the core of the transformer ignition coil grounded?

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Why is the core of the transformer ignition coil grounded?

Date:2017-05-12 Author:Dongguan Fine Magnetic Editing Click:

Transformer ignition coil iron core life will be used from time to time, presumably we have a common understanding of the transformer ignition coil iron core grounding, then the transformer ignition coil iron core grounding reasons you understand, do not understand you do not worry, Dongguan precision magnetic electronics technology immediately for you to bring the analysis of this problem, please refer to. If it is not grounded, the core and other accessories must sense a certain voltage. Under the effect of the applied voltage, when the induction voltage exceeds the ground discharge voltage, discharge will occur. In order to avoid the internal discharge of the transformer, the core must be grounded.


  In general, the core and other accessories of the Transformer in operation are in the electric field around the winding.
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Why should the core of the transformer be grounded? Have friends considered this question? Then let us know today, I hope it will help you.
When the power transformer is in normal operation, the core must be reliably grounded. If there is no grounding, the suspension voltage of the core to the ground will cause the core to break through and discharge. After the core is grounded, the possibility of forming a core suspension potential is eliminated. However, when the iron core is grounded at more than two points, the uneven potential between the iron cores will form a circulation between the joints and cause a multi-point ground heating failure of the iron core. The core grounding failure of the transformer will cause local overheating of the iron core. In serious cases, the local temperature rise of the iron core will increase, light gas movements, and even accidents that will cause heavy gas movements to trip. The local molten iron core forms a short-circuit fault between the iron chips, causing the iron damage to increase, which seriously affects the performance and normal operation of the transformer, and it is necessary to replace the iron core Silicon steel sheet for repair. Therefore, Transformers do not allow many point grounding can only have and only a little ground.



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